I came across this poem written by Richard Baxter (1600’s).
It speaks to the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
That our lives are best lived when our lives are in His hands.
That all our days are written in His book.
That we live each day on mission to make much of Him.
Now it belongs not to my care Whether I die or live To love and serve you is my share And this your grace must give If life be long, I will be glad That I may long obey: If short, then why should I be sad, That shall have the same pay.
Christ leads me through no darker rooms Then he went through before He that into God’s Kingdom comes Must enter by this door. Come Lord, when grace has made me meet Your blessed face to see; For if your work on earth be sweet, What shall your glory be?
Then I shall end my sad complaints And weary sinful days, And join with the triumphant Saints And sing Jehovah’s praise. My knowledge of that life is small The eye of faith is dim: But it’s enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with Him.